
Welcome! This site is designed to help people in and around Charlotte, North Carolina discover third places in the area. Read on to learn about its creator, data sources, development process, the concept of third places, and more.


Hello There

Hello! I'm Segun Akinyemi. I built and maintain this site with the goal of connecting people with places in Charlotte where they can:

  • Work remotely.
  • Study.
  • Read.
  • Write.
  • Chill.
  • Watch anime.
  • Make friends.
  • Hang out with friends.
  • Hang out alone surrounded by people with friends (me during COVID as a Charlotte newbie).
  • Eat cinnamon rolls while doing any of the above.

Keep scrolling to get answers to frequently asked questions and learn more about the project.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tech Stack

Check out my article Exploring the Tech Stack Behind Charlotte Third Places for details about how this project was built.

Contact Information

The best way to get in touch with me regarding the site is by using the Contribute page. Also feel free to visit my personal website or connect with me on LinkedIn.